15. Table sprite

A table sprite inherit from renderizable and implement all methods as usual.. Each animation on sprite has an initial frame and final frame which represent its cycle. Also each animation has a shader table by default which can be accessed by getShader method.

15.1. sprite methods

15.1.1. sprite new

new(string * world, number * x, number * y, number * z)

Create a new instance of a sprite passing the world desired (detail) and position.

  • stringworld can be 2ds, 2dw or 3d.

  • numberx position (optional).

  • numbery position (optional).

  • numberz position (optional).


sprite table.


tSpt = sprite:new('2dw') --note that sprite inherits from renderizable

15.1.2. sprite load

load(string file_name)

Load a sprite from file (expected .spt extension).


stringfile name from file.


tSprite = sprite:new('3d')
if tSprite:load('mario.spt') then
   print('Successfully loaded sprite:','mario.spt')
   print('Failed to loaded sprite:','mario.spt')


The load method will search in all known path.
You can add a path to search by the method addPath.

15.2. Creating a sprite programmatically

Here an example how to create an sprite programmatically using the engine to do that.

It is possible to save any mesh with help of meshDebug. For that it is necessary to prepare the meshDebug based on our renderizable.

  • First, we have to create coordinates of vertex buffer.

  • We also need to create index buffer (1 index based) for the vertex.

  • Then we create a meshDebug which will store all the information.

  • The UV and normal coordinates are not mandatory. For this example we will not fill it.

  • Next we create a frame informing the stride (for sprite will be 2) and add a new subset.

  • One frame can have one or more subsets. Each subset has its own texture.

  • Next we add the vertex buffer and index buffer.

  • The vertex buffer can have normal buffer (optional) and texture coordinates (optional).

  • Next we set the sprite type (others types are mesh, particle, font, …).

  • Finally we just need to specify the file name to save through the function save.

15.2.1. Sprite to a binary file

For the first example we will use the following texture:


Figure 15.1 smile.png


Follow the first example how to save a sprite to a binary file:

 1 mbm.setColor(1,1,1) --set background color to white
 3 function createFace()
 5    local tFace = {  {x=-50, y= -50},
 6                     {x=-50, y=  50},
 7                     {x= 50, y= -50},
 8                     {x= 50, y=  50}}
 9    local tIndex = {1,2,3, 3,2,4}
10    local sTextureFileName = 'HB_smile.png'
12    return tFace, tIndex, sTextureFileName
13 end
15 function saveMeshToBinaryFile(fileName,tVertex,tIndex,sTexture)
17     --meshDebug is used to create dynamically mesh in the engine.
18     --For sprite it has to have at least one frame to be able to generate the sprite
19     local stride      = 2 --stride only can be 3 or 2. it means (x,y,z) or (x,y)
20     local tMesh       = meshDebug:new() --new mesh debug to store the information about our sprite
21     local nFrame      = tMesh:addFrame(stride) -- Add one frame with stride 2 (x,y)
22     local indexFrame  = nFrame   --(meshDebug uses 1 based index)
23     local indexSubset = 1 --first subset (1 based index)
26     --To add vertex, first we need to add a subset
27     local nSubset     = tMesh:addSubSet(indexFrame) --add one subset for the first frame
29     --we are adding vertex to frame (next)
30     --this vertex list has to have at least 3 vertex (one triangle) to be valid
31     -- The table expected is : {{x,y},{x,y},{x,y}, ...}
32     if not tMesh:addVertex(indexFrame,indexSubset,tVertex) then 
33         print("Error on add vertex buffer")
34         return false
35     end
37     if not tMesh:addIndex(indexFrame,indexSubset,tIndex) then 
38         print("Error on add index buffer")
39         return false
40     end
42     --apply the texture to frame / subset
43     if not tMesh:setTexture(indexFrame,indexSubset,sTexture) then
44         print("Error on set texture!")
45         return false
46     end
48     tMesh:setType('sprite')  -- set it to sprite type
50     local calcNormal,calcUv = false,true --Instruct to do not calculate normal but calcule UV
51     if tMesh:save(fileName,calcNormal,calcUv) then
52         print("Sprite created successfully ")
53         return true
54     else
55         print("Failed to create sprite!")
56         return false
57     end
59 end
62 function onInitScene()
64     tSprite = sprite:new('2DW')-- our object which will load from binary file
66     local sFileNameSprite = 'smile.spt'
68     local tFaceVertex, tFaceIndex, sTextureFileName = createFace()--create our face 
70     if saveMeshToBinaryFile(sFileNameSprite,tFaceVertex, tFaceIndex, sTextureFileName) then
71         tSprite:load(sFileNameSprite) --all coordinate already in place
72     else
73         print('Failed to create ' .. sFileNameSprite)
74         mbm.quit()
75     end
77 end



Figure 15.2 Example 1 creating sprite

Follow other example how to save a sprite to a binary file setting uv coordinates:

 1 mbm.setColor(1,1,1) --set background color to white
 3 function createFaceUv()
 5    local tFace = {  {x=-50, y= -50, u=0, v=1},
 6                     {x=-50, y=  50, u=0, v=0},
 7                     {x= 50, y= -50, u=1, v=1},
 8                     {x= 50, y=  50, u=1, v=0}}
 9    local tIndex = {1,2,3, 3,2,4}
10    local sTextureFileName = 'HB_smile.png'
12    return tFace, tIndex, sTextureFileName
13 end
15 function saveMeshToBinaryFile(fileName,tVertex,tIndex,sTexture)
17     --meshDebug is used to create dynamically mesh in the engine.
18     --For sprite it has to have at least one frame to be able to generate the sprite
19     local stride      = 2 --stride only can be 3 or 2. it means (x,y,z) or (x,y)
20     local tMesh       = meshDebug:new() --new mesh debug to store the information about our sprite
21     local nFrame      = tMesh:addFrame(stride) -- Add one frame with stride 2 (x,y)
22     local indexFrame  = nFrame   --(meshDebug uses 1 based index)
23     local indexSubset = 1 --first subset (1 based index)
26     --To add vertex, first we need to add a subset
27     local nSubset     = tMesh:addSubSet(indexFrame) --add one subset for the first frame
29     --we are adding vertex to frame (next)
30     --this vertex list has to have at least 3 vertex (one triangle) to be valid
31     -- The table expected is : {{x,y},{x,y},{x,y}, ...}
32     if not tMesh:addVertex(indexFrame,indexSubset,tVertex) then 
33         print("Error on add vertex buffer")
34         return false
35     end
37     if not tMesh:addIndex(indexFrame,indexSubset,tIndex) then 
38         print("Error on add index buffer")
39         return false
40     end
42     --apply the texture to frame / subset
43     if not tMesh:setTexture(indexFrame,indexSubset,sTexture) then
44         print("Error on set texture!")
45         return false
46     end
48     tMesh:setType('sprite')  -- set it to sprite type
50     local calcNormal,calcUv = false,false --Instruct to do not calculate normal and UV
51     if tMesh:save(fileName,calcNormal,calcUv) then
52         print("Sprite created successfully ")
53         return true
54     else
55         print("Failed to create sprite!")
56         return false
57     end
59 end
62 function onInitScene()
64     tSprite = sprite:new('2DW')-- our object which will load from binary file
66     local sFileNameSprite = 'smile.spt'
68     local tFaceVertex, tFaceIndex, sTextureFileName = createFaceUv()--create our face and uv coordinates
70     if saveMeshToBinaryFile(sFileNameSprite,tFaceVertex, tFaceIndex, sTextureFileName) then
71         tSprite:load(sFileNameSprite) --all coordinate already in place
72     else
73         print('Failed to create ' .. sFileNameSprite)
74         mbm.quit()
75     end
77 end



Figure 15.3 Example 2 setting uv to create a sprite

Follow other example how to save a sprite to a binary file setting uv coordinates upside down:

 1 mbm.setColor(1,1,1) --set background color to white
 3 function createFaceUvUpSideDown()
 5    local tFace = {  {x=-50, y= -50, u=0, v=0},
 6                     {x=-50, y=  50, u=0, v=1},
 7                     {x= 50, y= -50, u=1, v=0},
 8                     {x= 50, y=  50, u=1, v=1}}
 9    local tIndex = {1,2,3, 3,2,4}
10    local sTextureFileName = 'HB_smile.png'
12    return tFace, tIndex, sTextureFileName
13 end
15 function saveMeshToBinaryFile(fileName,tVertex,tIndex,sTexture)
17     --meshDebug is used to create dynamically mesh in the engine.
18     --For sprite it has to have at least one frame to be able to generate the sprite
19     local stride      = 2 --stride only can be 3 or 2. it means (x,y,z) or (x,y)
20     local tMesh       = meshDebug:new() --new mesh debug to store the information about our sprite
21     local nFrame      = tMesh:addFrame(stride) -- Add one frame with stride 2 (x,y)
22     local indexFrame  = nFrame   --(meshDebug uses 1 based index)
23     local indexSubset = 1 --first subset (1 based index)
26     --To add vertex, first we need to add a subset
27     local nSubset     = tMesh:addSubSet(indexFrame) --add one subset for the first frame
29     --we are adding vertex to frame (next)
30     --this vertex list has to have at least 3 vertex (one triangle) to be valid
31     -- The table expected is : {{x,y},{x,y},{x,y}, ...}
32     if not tMesh:addVertex(indexFrame,indexSubset,tVertex) then 
33         print("Error on add vertex buffer")
34         return false
35     end
37     if not tMesh:addIndex(indexFrame,indexSubset,tIndex) then 
38         print("Error on add index buffer")
39         return false
40     end
42     --apply the texture to frame / subset
43     if not tMesh:setTexture(indexFrame,indexSubset,sTexture) then
44         print("Error on set texture!")
45         return false
46     end
48     tMesh:setType('sprite')  -- set it to sprite type
50     local calcNormal,calcUv = false,false --Instruct to do not calculate normal and UV
51     if tMesh:save(fileName,calcNormal,calcUv) then
52         print("Sprite created successfully ")
53         return true
54     else
55         print("Failed to create sprite!")
56         return false
57     end
59 end
62 function onInitScene()
64     tSprite = sprite:new('2DW')-- our object which will load from binary file
66     local sFileNameSprite = 'smile.spt'
68     local tFaceVertex, tFaceIndex, sTextureFileName = createFaceUvUpSideDown()--create our face upside down
70     if saveMeshToBinaryFile(sFileNameSprite,tFaceVertex, tFaceIndex, sTextureFileName) then
71         tSprite:load(sFileNameSprite) --all coordinate already in place
72     else
73         print('Failed to create ' .. sFileNameSprite)
74         mbm.quit()
75     end
77 end



Figure 15.4 Example 3 setting uv upside down to create a sprite

15.2.2. Sprite animated to a binary file

Next one example how to create animated sprite.

We will use four different image for this example:


Figure 15.5 smile

download HB_smile.png


Figure 15.6 sad

download HB_sad.png


Figure 15.7 neutral

download HB_neutral.png


Figure 15.8 dead

download HB_dead.png

 1 mbm.setColor(1,1,1) --set background color to white
 3 function createOneFrame(sTexture)
 5    local tVertex = {  {x=-50, y= -50, u=0, v=1},
 6                     {x=-50, y=  50, u=0, v=0},
 7                     {x= 50, y= -50, u=1, v=1},
 8                     {x= 50, y=  50, u=1, v=0}}
 9    local tIndex = {1,2,3, 3,2,4}
11    return {tVertex = tVertex, tIndex = tIndex, sTexture = sTexture }
12 end
14 function saveMeshToBinaryFile(fileName,tFrames)
16     --meshDebug is used to create dynamically mesh in the engine.
17     --For sprite it has to have at least one frame to be able to generate the sprite
18     local stride      = 2 --stride only can be 3 or 2. it means (x,y,z) or (x,y)
19     local tMesh       = meshDebug:new() --new mesh debug to store the information about our sprite
21     --First we must add the frames
22     for i = 1, #tFrames do
23         local tFrame = tFrames[i]
24         local indexFrame  = tMesh:addFrame(stride) -- Add one frame with stride 2 (x,y)
25         --To add vertex, first we need to add a subset
26         local indexSubset = tMesh:addSubSet(indexFrame) --add one subset for the first frame
27         --we are adding vertex to frame (next)
28         --this vertex list has to have at least 3 vertex (one triangle) to be valid
29         -- The table expected is : {{x,y},{x,y},{x,y}, ...}
30         if not tMesh:addVertex(indexFrame,indexSubset,tFrame.tVertex) then 
31             print("Error on add vertex buffer")
32             return false
33         end
34     end
36     --Then we add the index buffer
37     for indexFrame = 1, #tFrames do
38         local tFrame = tFrames[indexFrame]
39         local indexSubset = 1
40         if not tMesh:addIndex(indexFrame,indexSubset,tFrame.tIndex) then 
41             print("Error on add index buffer")
42             return false
43         end
44         --apply the texture to frame / subset
45         if not tMesh:setTexture(indexFrame,indexSubset,tFrame.sTexture) then
46             print("Error on set texture!")
47             return false
48         end
49     end
51     tMesh:setType('sprite')  -- set it to sprite type
53     --animation
54     local animation_name   = 'first_animation'
55     local initialFrame     = 1
56     local finalFrame       = 4
57     local timeBetweenFrame = 0.3
58     local typeAnimation    = mbm.GROWING_LOOP
60     local index = tMesh:addAnim(animation_name,initialFrame,finalFrame,timeBetweenFrame,typeAnimation)
61     print('Animation :', index)
64     local calcNormal,calcUv = false,false --Instruct to do not calculate normal and UV
65     if tMesh:save(fileName,calcNormal,calcUv) then
66         print("Sprite created successfully ")
67         return true
68     else
69         print("Failed to create sprite!")
70         return false
71     end
73 end
76 function onInitScene()
78     tSprite = sprite:new('2DW')-- our object which will load from binary file
80     local sFileNameSprite = 'smile.spt'
82     local tFrames = {
83         [1] = createOneFrame('HB_smile.png'),
84         [2] = createOneFrame('HB_sad.png'),
85         [3] = createOneFrame('HB_neutral.png'),
86         [4] = createOneFrame('HB_dead.png') 
87     }
89     if saveMeshToBinaryFile(sFileNameSprite,tFrames) then
90         tSprite:load(sFileNameSprite) --all coordinate already in place
91     else
92         print('Failed to create ' .. sFileNameSprite)
93         mbm.quit()
94     end
96 end



Figure 15.9 Example how to create animated sprite using different images.

Next example we will use a unique image with 9 animations inside:


Figure 15.10 Bird

download Bird.png

  1 mbm.setColor(1,1,1) --set background color to white
  3 function addBirdFrame(x,y)
  5     local sTexture = 'Bird.png'
  6     local w_size_texture, h_size_texture = 512, 512 -- we know the size of texture
  7     local pw = 1.0 / w_size_texture * (w_size_texture/3) --we calculate the 3 birds in the x
  8     local ph = 1.0 / h_size_texture * (h_size_texture/3) --we calculate the 3 birds in the y
 10     local tVertex = {  {x=-50, y= -50, u= (x-1) * pw, v= (y  ) * ph},
 11                        {x=-50, y=  50, u= (x-1) * pw, v= (y-1) * ph},
 12                        {x= 50, y= -50, u= (x  ) * pw, v= (y  ) * ph},
 13                        {x= 50, y=  50, u= (x  ) * pw, v= (y-1) * ph}}
 14    local tIndex = {1,2,3, 3,2,4}
 16    return {tVertex = tVertex, tIndex = tIndex, sTexture = sTexture }
 17 end
 19 function saveMeshToBinaryFile(fileName,tFrames)
 21     --meshDebug is used to create dynamically mesh in the engine.
 22     --For sprite it has to have at least one frame to be able to generate the sprite
 23     local stride      = 2 --stride only can be 3 or 2. it means (x,y,z) or (x,y)
 24     local tMesh       = meshDebug:new() --new mesh debug to store the information about our sprite
 26     --First we must add the frames
 27     for i = 1, #tFrames do
 28         local tFrame = tFrames[i]
 29         local indexFrame  = tMesh:addFrame(stride) -- Add one frame with stride 2 (x,y)
 30         --To add vertex, first we need to add a subset
 31         local indexSubset = tMesh:addSubSet(indexFrame) --add one subset for the first frame
 32         --we are adding vertex to frame (next)
 33         --this vertex list has to have at least 3 vertex (one triangle) to be valid
 34         -- The table expected is : {{x,y},{x,y},{x,y}, ...}
 35         if not tMesh:addVertex(indexFrame,indexSubset,tFrame.tVertex) then 
 36             print("Error on add vertex buffer")
 37             return false
 38         end
 39     end
 41     --Then we add the index buffer
 42     for indexFrame = 1, #tFrames do
 43         local tFrame = tFrames[indexFrame]
 44         local indexSubset = 1
 45         if not tMesh:addIndex(indexFrame,indexSubset,tFrame.tIndex) then 
 46             print("Error on add index buffer")
 47             return false
 48         end
 49         --apply the texture to frame / subset
 50         if not tMesh:setTexture(indexFrame,indexSubset,tFrame.sTexture) then
 51             print("Error on set texture!")
 52             return false
 53         end
 54     end
 56     tMesh:setType('sprite')  -- set it to sprite type
 58     --animation
 59     local animation_name   = 'bird flying'
 60     local initialFrame     = 1
 61     local finalFrame       = #tFrames
 62     local timeBetweenFrame = 0.2
 63     local typeAnimation    = mbm.GROWING_LOOP
 65     local index = tMesh:addAnim(animation_name,initialFrame,finalFrame,timeBetweenFrame,typeAnimation)
 66     print('Animation :', index)
 69     local calcNormal,calcUv = false,false --Instruct to do not calculate normal and UV
 70     if tMesh:save(fileName,calcNormal,calcUv) then
 71         print("Sprite created successfully ")
 72         return true
 73     else
 74         print("Failed to create sprite!")
 75         return false
 76     end
 78 end
 81 function onInitScene()
 83     tSprite = sprite:new('2DW')-- our object which will load from binary file
 85     local sFileNameSprite = 'Bird.spt'
 87     local tFrames = {
 88         [1] = addBirdFrame(1,1),
 89         [2] = addBirdFrame(1,2),
 90         [3] = addBirdFrame(1,3),
 92         [4] = addBirdFrame(2,1),
 93         [5] = addBirdFrame(2,2),
 94         [6] = addBirdFrame(2,3),
 96         [7] = addBirdFrame(3,1),
 97         [8] = addBirdFrame(3,2),
 98         [9] = addBirdFrame(3,3),        
 99     }
101     if saveMeshToBinaryFile(sFileNameSprite,tFrames) then
102         tSprite:load(sFileNameSprite) --all coordinate already in place
103     else
104         print('Failed to create ' .. sFileNameSprite)
105         mbm.quit()
106     end
108 end



Figure 15.11 Example how to create animated sprite using unique image and different coordinates by frame.