5. Table font

A table font represent a true type font and can be loaded dynamically or loaded from a binary type generated by the engine.

5.1. font methods

5.1.1. font new from true type

new(string file_name, number height, number spaceX, number spaceY, boolean save_image_as_png)

Create a new instance of a font passing the file name (extension expected .ttf) and the configuration expected.

  • stringfile name from true type font .ttf.

  • numberheight from font in units.

  • numberspaceX between the axis x.

  • numberspaceY is the \n (new line space).

  • booleansave_png is a flag that instruct to save the font’s image as png.


font table.


tArial15 = font:new('Arial.ttf',15,0,2,true) --parse runtime a new font
tArial13 = font:new('Arial.ttf',13,0,2,false) --parse runtime other font


The new method will search in all known path. and load the file.
You can add a path to search by the method addPath.

5.1.2. font new from a binary file

new(string file_name)

Create a new instance of a font passing the binary file name (extension expected fnt).


stringfile name binary. Extension expected fnt.


tArial15 = font:new('Arial15.fnt') -- load a file previously created by the engine.
tArial13 = font:new('Arial13.fnt') -- load a file previously created by the engine.


The fnt is an extension generated by the engine and is a binary file.
The new method will search in all known path. and load the file.
You can add a path to search by the method addPath.

5.1.3. font setSpace

setSpace(string axis, number value)

Change the current space in the axis x or y.

  • stringaxis x or y.

  • numbervalue from space to be applied.


tArial15 = font:new('Arial.ttf',15,0,2) --parse runtime a new font

5.1.4. font getSpace

getSpace(string axis)

Retrieve the current space from font.


stringaxis x or y.


number - space.


tArial15 = font:new('Arial.ttf',15,0,2) --parse runtime a new font
local x = tArial15:getSpace('x') -- 0
local y = tArial15:getSpace('y') -- 2

5.1.5. font getHeight


Retrieve the current height from font.


number - height.


tArial15 = font:new('Arial.ttf',15,0,2) --parse runtime a new font
local height = tArial15:getHeight() -- 15

5.1.6. font add

add(string text, string * world, number * x, number * y, number * z)

Create a new instance of a text from a font. Same as addText.

  • stringtext to be drew.

  • stringworld can be 2ds, 2dw or 3d (detail).

  • numberx position (optional).

  • numbery position (optional).

  • numberz position (optional).


tArial15 = font:new('Arial.ttf',15,0,2) --parse runtime a new font
tText = tArial15:add('Hello text!','2ds',100,100)


It might occurs error related to the character encoding. This can be solved changing the text to UTF8 Without BOM

5.1.7. font addText

addText(string text, string * world, number * x, number * y, number * z)

Create a new instance of a text from a font. Same as add.

  • stringtext to be drew.

  • stringworld can be 2ds, 2dw or 3d (detail).

  • numberx position (optional).

  • numbery position (optional).

  • numberz position (optional).


tArial15 = font:new('Arial15.fnt') --load from binary previously generated
tText = tArial15:addText('Hello text!','2dw',200,200)


It might occurs error related to the character encoding. This can be solved changing the text to UTF8 Without BOM

5.2. font methods with editor features

Here the methods available when compiled with the flag USE_EDITOR_FEATURES.

5.2.1. Size of letter

getSizeLetter(string letter)

Get the size of specific letter DO NOT considering the rotation neither scale.


stringletter to be retrieved the size


number width, number height - dimension of letter.


local height = 20 --the font height
local space_x = 2 --space between characters in points coordinates
local space_y = 1 --space between new line characters in points coordinates
local save_image_as_png = true --will save a local image as 'font_name-20.png'
local base_name = 'Carlito-Regular'

tMyFont = font:new(base_name .. '.ttf',height,space_x,space_y,save_image_as_png)

local width, height = tMyFont:getSizeLetter('A')
print(width,height) -- for this example width:12, height:13
setSizeLetter(string letter, number width, number height)

Force a new size of letter indicating the width and height.

  • stringletter to be retrieved the size

  • numberwidth of letter.

  • numberheight of letter.


local height = 60 --the font height
local space_x = 2 --space between characters in points coordinates
local space_y = 1 --space between new line characters in points coordinates
local save_image_as_png = true --will save a local image as 'font_name-60.png'
local base_name = 'Carlito-Regular'

tMyFont = font:new(base_name .. '.ttf',height,space_x,space_y,save_image_as_png)

local width, height = tMyFont:getSizeLetter('a')
print(width,height) -- for this example width:12, height:13

tMyFont:setSizeLetter(' ',10,0) --10 it is good space  for this font size (I am guessing)
--set the new size of letter
tMyFont:setSizeLetter('a',width * 2, height)

tText = tMyFont:addText("My new size\n Note the 'a'\nsomething stranger",'2dw')

Figure 5.1 Change the dimension of the letter ‘a’

5.2.2. Displacement for letter in the axis x, y

getLetterXDiff(string letter)

Get the displacement for the specific letter in the axis X. By default the value is 0. It can be negative.


stringletter to be retrieved the size


number displacement - X of letter.


local height = 60 --the font height
local space_x = 2 --space between characters in points coordinates
local space_y = 1 --space between new line characters in points coordinates
local save_image_as_png = true --will save a local image as 'font_name-60.png'
local base_name = 'Carlito-Regular'

tMyFont = font:new(base_name .. '.ttf',height,space_x,space_y,save_image_as_png)
tMyFont:setSizeLetter(' ',10,0) --space by default is not good, so we change it


local X = tMyFont:getLetterXDiff('e')

print('Displacement:', X)
setLetterXDiff(string letter, number value)

Force a new displacement for the specific letter in the axis X. The value is added. It can be negative.

  • stringletter to be retrieved the size

  • numbervalue of displacement.


local height = 60 --the font height
local space_x = 2 --space between characters in points coordinates
local space_y = 1 --space between new line characters in points coordinates
local save_image_as_png = true --will save a local image as 'font_name-60.png'
local base_name = 'Carlito-Regular'

tMyFont = font:new(base_name .. '.ttf',height,space_x,space_y,save_image_as_png)
tMyFont:setSizeLetter(' ',10,0) --space by default is not good, so we change it


tText = tMyFont:add('Some Text: Hello World!!!','2dw')

Figure 5.2 Displacement 10 in the axis X

getLetterYDiff(string letter)

Get the displacement for the specific letter in the axis Y. By default the value is 0. It can be negative.


stringletter to be retrieved the size


number displacement - Y of letter.


local height = 60 --the font height
local space_x = 2 --space between characters in points coordinates
local space_y = 1 --space between new line characters in points coordinates
local save_image_as_png = true --will save a local image as 'font_name-60.png'
local base_name = 'Carlito-Regular'

tMyFont = font:new(base_name .. '.ttf',height,space_x,space_y,save_image_as_png)
tMyFont:setSizeLetter(' ',10,0) --space by default is not good, so we change it


local y = tMyFont:getLetterYDiff('e')

print('Displacement:', y)
setLetterYDiff(string letter, number value)

Force a new displacement for the specific letter in the axis Y. The value is added. It can be negative.

  • stringletter to be retrieved the size

  • numbervalue of displacement.


local height = 60 --the font height
local space_x = 2 --space between characters in points coordinates
local space_y = 1 --space between new line characters in points coordinates
local save_image_as_png = true --will save a local image as 'font_name-60.png'
local base_name = 'Carlito-Regular'

tMyFont = font:new(base_name .. '.ttf',height,space_x,space_y,save_image_as_png)
tMyFont:setSizeLetter(' ',10,0) --space by default is not good, so we change it


tText = tMyFont:add('Some Text: Hello World!!!','2dw')

Figure 5.3 Displacement 10 in the axis Y

5.3. Creating a font programmatically

Here an example how to create a binary font from a true type file format.

For this example it will be used the Carlito-Regular true type font.

download Carlito-Regular.ttf


mbm.setColor(0.3,0.3,0.7) --blue color of background

if not mbm.get('USE_EDITOR_FEATURES') then
	mbm.messageBox('Missing features','Is necessary to compile using USE_EDITOR FEATURES to run this example','ok','error',0)

function saveBinaryFont(tText,fileName)

   local tMeshDebug = meshDebug:new()

   if tMeshDebug:loadFromMemory(tText) then -- require to be compiled using the editor flag: USE_EDITOR_FEATURES

      if tMeshDebug:copyAnimationsFromMesh(tText) then --copy animations created

         if tMeshDebug:save(fileName) then

            print("Sucessfully saved font!")
            return true
            print("Failed to save font!")
         print("Failed to apply shader and animations!")
      print("Failed to load font!")
   return false

function onInitScene()

   local height = 50 --the font height 
   local space_x = 2 --space between characters in points coordinates
   local space_y = 1 --space between new line characters in points coordinates
   local save_image_as_png = true --will save a local image as 'font_name-50.png'
   local base_name = 'Carlito-Regular'

   tMyFont = font:new(base_name .. '.ttf',height,space_x,space_y,save_image_as_png)
   --add one text to view
   local tText = tMyFont:addText('Hello \n Font !\n 0123456789','2dw')

   --increase the space width
   local xSpace,ySpace = tMyFont:getSizeLetter(' ')
   tMyFont:setSizeLetter(' ',10,ySpace) --10 it is good space  for this font size (I am guessing)
   --add one font color as animation
   tText:addAnim('red font animation')
   --get the shader of font to change it
   local shader = tText:getShader()
   shader:load('font.ps') --just pixel shader, vertex shader is not necessary
   shader:setPSall('colorFont',1,0,0) --change color font to red for min, max and current
   local fileNameBinary = base_name .. '.fnt'

   if saveBinaryFont(tText,fileNameBinary) then
      tText:destroy() --destroy the existing one to reload from binary file previously created

      tMyFont = font:new(fileNameBinary) --load from binary font

      tText = tMyFont:addText('Hello world \n Font !\n 0123456789 \n #2# Second Animation','2dw')
      tText:setWildCard('#')--instruct to look a number between '#' that indicate the animation


download font_creating_example_1.lua.


Figure 5.4 font_creating_example_1.lua running


Figure 5.5 Carlito-Regular png generated

download Carlito-Regular-50.png.