2. Scene

Most games use scene mechanism. This engine is no different.

When we have a new scene, the previous scene is destroyed and the new scene will become the current scene. It means that only the current scene exists when see the game.

This is how scenes in general works.

All we need, is to overload functions in the scene script that will be called by the engine.

There are a default scene internally. If any function does not exist, the default function is called.

Now, let’s see the main flow of a scene:

2.1. Main Scene’s flow

All functions described here can be overloaded.

2.1.1. onInitScene


The engine will call this method only once during the execution’s script.

2.1.2. loop


Called each step. Delta indicate the interval passed since the last step.


numberdelta time passed since the last step.

2.1.3. onEndScene


The engine will call this method only once during the scene’ ending. The end of scene occurs when other scene is called or the application is shut down.

2.1.4. onRestore


Called on restore scene.

This usually happen when the device is lost.

2.2. Scene’s functions

2.2.1. onTouchDown

onTouchDown(number key, number x, number y)

Called on touch down or click down on screen 2d.

  • numberkey mouse click or finger on touch screen (start from 1).

  • numberx coordinate (left is 0).

  • numbery coordinate (up is 0).

2.2.2. onTouchUp

onTouchUp(number key, number x, number y)

Called on touch up or click up on screen 2d.

  • numberkey mouse click or finger on touch screen (start from 1).

  • numberx coordinate (left is 0).

  • numbery coordinate (up is 0).

2.2.3. onTouchMove

onTouchMove(number key, number x, number y)

Called on touch move (mouse or finger) on screen 2d.

  • numberkey mouse or finger on touch screen (start from 1).

  • numberx coordinate (left is 0).

  • numbery coordinate (up is 0).

2.2.4. onTouchZoom

onTouchZoom(number zoom)

Called on zoom gesture or mouse scroll (values will be -1 and 1).


numberzoom values between -1 and 1.

2.2.5. onKeyDown

onKeyDown(number key)

Called on key down.


numberkey depends on operation system. the engine offers a function getCode and getKey translator for comparison.

2.2.6. onKeyUp

onKeyUp(number key)

Called on key up.


numberkey depends on operation system. the engine offers a function getCode and getKey translator for comparison.

2.2.7. onInfoJoystick

onInfoJoystick(number player, number maxButtons, string deviceName, string extra)

Called on connect joystick. depends on operation system and joystick brand.

  • numberplayer indicate the player number.

  • numbermaxButtons information about how many buttons are available in this joystick.

  • stringdeviceName Joystick’s name. information from device.

  • stringextra It might have extra information about the joystick.

2.2.8. onKeyDownJoystick

onKeyDownJoystick(number player, number key)

Called on joystick key down.

  • numberplayer indicate the player number.

  • numberkey pressed on joystick.

2.2.9. onKeyUpJoystick

onKeyUpJoystick(number player, number key)

Called on joystick key up.

  • numberplayer indicate the player number.

  • numberkey pressed on joystick.

2.2.10. onMoveJoystick

onMoveJoystick(number player, number lx, number ly, number rx, number ry)

Called on joystick move

  • numberplayer indicate the player number.

  • numberlx left pad on x axis.

  • numberly left pad on y axis.

  • numberrx right pad on x axis.

  • numberry right pad on y axis.


Although the Joystick’s functions had been tested including some joystick available on the market, there are a lot of them. Might not work properly on some devices.

2.2.11. onResizeWindow


The engine will call this method whenever the window size has changed. It is up to the developer to rescale all scenes accordingly.


When ‘onResizeWindow’ function is not available, the engine will restart the scene automatically since the scale has changed.

2.3. Example of Scene

Next we will use the following image to play with some scene’s example:


Figure 2.1 crate.png

--example of scene

function onInitScene()
    tTexture = texture:new('2ds') --tTexture is global for the scene
    tTexture:load('crate.png') --just load the texture (does not care if not found the texture)
    tTexture:setScale(0.5,0.5) --adjust the scale

function onTouchMove(key,x,y)
    tTexture:setPos(x,y) --move according to mouse or touch (we are ignoring the key)

function onTouchDown(key,x,y)
    local tTextureTmp = texture:new('2ds',x,y)-- create a new local texture. ***this will be collected by GC***
    tTextureTmp:load('crate.png') --Load it
    tTextureTmp:setScale(0.5,0.5)--adjust the scale
    tTextureTmp.az = tTexture.az -- adjust the rotation on z angle
    tTexture.z = tTextureTmp.z -1 --bring to front

function loop(delta)
    tTexture:rotate('z',math.rad(30)) -- rotate 30 degree per second on z angle

download crate.png


2.4. Example of Scene class style

--example of scene class style

local tMyClass = {}

tMyClass.onInitScene = function (self) 
    self.tMyTexture = texture:new('2ds') --texture is part of tMyClass now
    self.tMyTexture:load('crate.png') -- just load the texture (does not care if not found the texture)
    self.tMyTexture:setScale(0.5,0.5) --adjust the scale
tMyClass.onTouchMove = function(self,key, x,y)
    self.tMyTexture:setPos(x,y) --move according to mouse or touch (we are ignoring the key)

tMyClass.loop= function(self,delta)
    self.tMyTexture:rotate('z',math.rad(30)) -- rotate 30 degree per second on z angle

tMyClass.onTouchDown = function(self,key, x,y)
    local tTextureTmp = texture:new('2ds',x,y)-- create a new local texture. ***this will be collected by GC***
    tTextureTmp:load('crate.png') --Load it
    tTextureTmp:setScale(0.5,0.5)--adjust the scale
    tTextureTmp.az = self.tMyTexture.az -- adjust the rotation on z angle
    self.tMyTexture.z = tTextureTmp.z -1 --bring to front

local w, h = mbm.getSizeScreen()

    important return the class otherwise won't work

return tMyClass



Figure 2.2 Both scene normal style and scene class style running.


Both scene normal style and scene class style produce the same result.
In both case, we are not storing the local texture and occasionally will be collected (destroyed).

2.5. Example of Scene using coroutine

By default, scene class style has coroutine which is a way to divide the initial load in severals steps.
Every time that you call coroutine.yield function from lua, there is an interruption and the engine does a loop of render.
Below an example of that:
--example of scene using coroutine class style
local tMyClass = {}

tMyClass.onInitScene = function(self)
    self.tTextures = {}
    local iTotal = 91 --we put 91 just to understand how onProgress works (91 represent the end of the loop (100%))
    for i=1,iTotal do
        local x = i * 10
        local y = i * 10
        local tTexture = texture:new('2ds',x,y) --tTexture is local
        tTexture:load('crate.png') --just load the texture (does not care if not found the texture)
        tTexture:setScale(0.5,0.5) --adjust the scale
        table.insert(self.tTextures,tTexture) --save tTexture to a table (will not be destroyed anymore)
        --call coroutine.yield informing step and total of step (iStep , iTotal). our case (1,91), (2,91), (3,91), ... 
        --each loop will call onProgress where it could do some animation there.
        --could be coroutine.yield() but in this case, will not call onProgress method

--This function only exist for class style and using coroutine
--This function is called each step if passed the progress to coroutine.yield (current and total steps)
tMyClass.onProgress = function(self,percent)
    print(string.format('loaded: %.0f%%',percent))

tMyClass.onTouchMove = function(self,key,x,y)
    self.tTextures[#self.tTextures]:setPos(x,y) --move according to mouse or touch (we are ignoring the key)

tMyClass.onTouchDown = function(self,key,x,y)
    local tTexture = texture:new('2ds',x,y)-- create a new local texture.
    tTexture:load('crate.png') --Load it
    tTexture:setScale(0.5,0.5)--adjust the scale
    tTexture.az = self.tTextures[#self.tTextures].az -- adjust the rotation on z angle
    self.tTextures[#self.tTextures].z = tTexture.z -1 --bring to front

tMyClass.loop = function(self,delta)
    for i=1,#self.tTextures do
        local tTexture = self.tTextures[i]
        tTexture:rotate('z',math.rad(30)) -- rotate 30 degree per second on z angle

    important return the class otherwise won't work

return tMyClass



Figure 2.3 A scene class style running using coroutine.


Figure 2.4 The output in the console.