14. Table shape

A table shape inherit from renderizable and implement all methods as usual. Also each animation has a shader table by default which can be accessed by getShader method.

The main functionality of shape is to easily create a shape of circle, triangle or rectangle. Also is possible to create a free shape using the methods create and createIndexed.

The table shape is also capable to render in real time using the method onRender. To do that the frame must be created as dynamic mode option.


The shape is not capable to store runtime information.

On lost device, the shape will lost its information, so, it must be reloaded on method onRestore.

Also is lost its texture and callback for onEndAnim and onEndFx.

14.1. shape methods

14.1.1. shape new

new(string * world, number * x, number * y, number * z)

Create a new instance of a shape passing the world desired (detail) and position.

  • stringworld can be 2ds, 2dw or 3d.

  • numberx position (optional).

  • numbery position (optional).

  • numberz position (optional).


shape table.


tShape = shape:new('2dw')

14.1.2. shape create

create(string type, number width, number * height, number * triangles, boolean * dynamic_buffer, string * nick_name)

Create a shape in runtime choosing among the pre defined option available.

The onRender callback can be used if dynamic_buffer is true.

  • stringtype pre defined. circle, rectangle or triangle.

  • numberwidth of shape.

  • numberheight of shape.

  • numbertriangles - default values circle: 18 - rectangle: 2, triangle: 1.

  • booleandynamic buffer option to render in runtime the shape using onRender method (optional).

  • stringnick name of shape (optional).


string - nick_name


tShapeCircle    = shape:new('2dw', -100)
tShapeRectangle = shape:new('2dw',  0  )
tShapeTriangle  = shape:new('2dw',  100)

local nickNameCircle    = tShapeCircle:create('circle',100,100)
local nickNameRectangle = tShapeRectangle:create('rectangle',100,100)
local nickNameTriangle  = tShapeTriangle:create('triangle',100,100)

if nickNameCircle then
   print('Circle ' .. nickNameCircle .. '  successfully created!')
   print('Failed to create a circle')

if nickNameRectangle then
   print('Rectangle '.. nickNameRectangle .. ' successfully created!')
   print('Failed to create a rectangle')

if nickNameTriangle then
   print('Triangle '.. nickNameTriangle .. ' successfully created!')
   print('Failed to create a triangle')

Figure 14.1 Three shapes created as result.

As is known, a shape is based on triangles and, to build a circle is not different. If is necessary to have a huge detail on circle, is recommended to create it using shader.

Example creating circle with different number of triangles

tShapeCircle_4    = shape:new('2dw', -200)
tShapeCircle_8    = shape:new('2dw',  0)
tShapeCircle_18   = shape:new('2dw',  200)

local nickNameCircle_4   = tShapeCircle_4:create ('circle',200,200, 4)
local nickNameCircle_8   = tShapeCircle_8:create ('circle',200,200, 8)
local nickNameCircle_18  = tShapeCircle_18:create('circle',200,200, 18)

if nickNameCircle_4 then
   print('Circle ' .. nickNameCircle_4 .. ' with 4 triangle  successfully created!')
   print('Failed to create a circle')

if nickNameCircle_8 then
   print('Circle ' .. nickNameCircle_8 .. ' with 8 triangle  successfully created!')
   print('Failed to create a circle')

if nickNameCircle_18 then
   print('Circle ' .. nickNameCircle_18 .. ' with 18 triangle  successfully created!')
   print('Failed to create a circle')

Figure 14.2 Three circle created as result with different number of triangles. Although the first seems to be a square, it is a circle but with a minimum of triangles needed.

create(table vertex, table* uv, table* normal, string * nick_name, string * mode_draw, string * mode_cull_face, string * mode_front_face_direction)

Create a shape in runtime supplying native coordinates.

  • tablevertex coordinates x,y or x,y,z.

  • tableuv coordinates u,v (optional).

  • tablenormal coordinates x,y,z (optional).

  • stringnick name of shape (optional).

  • stringmode draw of shape (optional). see mode draw.

  • stringmode cull face of shape (optional). see cull face.

  • stringmode front face direction of shape (optional). see front face direction.


string - nick_name


-- Example: 2d
tShape = shape:new('2dw')

--letś draw a square of 400x400
--                    First Triangle                          Second Triangle
local tVertex  = {-200,-200,  -200,200,  200,-200,       200,-200, -200,200, 200,200} -- (x,y) coordinates
local tUv      = {0,1, 0,0, 1,1,                         1,1, 0,0, 1,0}
local tNormal  = nil --let the normal be calculated automatically

if tShape:create(tVertex,tUv,tNormal,'my-shape-nick-name') then
   print('Shape successfully created!')
   print('Failed to create a shape')

Figure 14.3 An square shape without texture as result

-- Example: 3d
tShape = shape:new('3d',0,0,500)

--letś draw a square of 400x400x0
--                    First Triangle                          Second Triangle
local tVertex  = {-200,-200,0,  -200,200,0,  200,-200,0,       200,-200,0, -200,200,0, 200,200,0} -- (x,y) coordinates
local tUv      = {0,1, 0,0, 1,1,                         1,1, 0,0, 1,0}
local tNormal  = nil --let the normal be calculated automatically

if tShape:create(tVertex,tUv,tNormal,'my-shape-nick-name','TRIANGLES', 'BACK','CW') then
   print('Shape successfully created!')
   print('Failed to create a shape')

14.1.3. shape createIndexed

createIndexed(table vertex, table index, table* uv, table* normal, string * nick_name, string * mode_draw, string * mode_cull_face, string * mode_front_face_direction)

Create a shape in runtime supplying indexed native coordinates.

  • tablevertex coordinates x,y or x,y,z.

  • tableindex array referent to vertex (one based).

  • tableuv coordinates u,v (optional).

  • tablenormal coordinates x,y,z (optional).

  • stringnick name of shape (optional).

  • stringmode draw of shape (optional). see mode draw.

  • stringmode cull face of shape (optional). see cull face.

  • stringmode front face direction of shape (optional). see front face direction.


string - nick_name

Example: 2d

tShape = shape:new('2dw')
--letś draw a square of 400x400
--                  1           2         3          4
local tVertex  = {-200,-200,  -200,200,  200,-200,  200,200} -- (x,y) coordinates
local tUv      = {0,1,           0,0,      1,1,       1,0  }
local tIndex   = {1,2,3, 3,2,4 } -- one based
local tNormal  = nil --let the normal be calculated automatically

if tShape:createIndexed(tVertex,tIndex,tUv,tNormal,'my-shape-nick-name','TRIANGLES', 'BACK','CW') then
   print('Shape successfully created!')
   print('Failed to create a shape')

Figure 14.4 Rendering using triangle list, Clockwise and CullFace mode back (default of the engine).

14.1.4. shape createDynamicIndexed

createDynamicIndexed(table vertex, table index, table* uv, table* normal, string * nick_name, string * mode_draw, string * mode_cull_face, string * mode_front_face_direction)

Create a dynamic shape in runtime supplying indexed native coordinates.

The onRender callback can be used after creating with this method.

  • tablevertex coordinates x,y or x,y,z.

  • tableindex array referent to vertex (one based).

  • tableuv coordinates u,v (optional).

  • tablenormal coordinates x,y,z (optional).

  • stringnick name of shape (optional).

  • stringmode draw of shape (optional). see mode draw.

  • stringmode cull face of shape (optional). see cull face.

  • stringmode front face direction of shape (optional). see front face direction.


string - nick_name

Example: 2d

tShape = shape:new('2dw')
--letś draw a square of 400x400
--                  1           2         3          4
local tVertex  = {-200,-200,  -200,200,  200,-200,  200,200} -- (x,y) coordinates
local tUv      = {0,1,           0,0,      1,1,       1,0  }
local tIndex   = {1,2,3, 3,2,4 } -- one based
local tNormal  = nil --let the normal be calculated automatically

if tShape:createDynamicIndexed(tVertex,tIndex,tUv,tNormal,'my-shape-nick-name','TRIANGLES', 'BACK','CW') then
   print('Shape successfully created!')
   print('Failed to create a shape')

14.1.5. setColor

setColor(number red, number green, number blue, number * alpha)

Set a solid color as texture.

  • numberred color. Values between 0.0 and 1.0

  • numbergreen color. Values between 0.0 and 1.0

  • numberblue color. Values between 0.0 and 1.0

  • numberalpha color. Values between 0.0 and 1.0


boolean - successfully applied.


tShape = shape:new('2dw')
local r,g,b, a = 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
local ret = tShape:setColor(r,g,b,a)

Figure 14.5 Setting red color for the shape

14.1.6. onRender

onRender(tShape, vertex, normal, uv, index_read_only)

Shape is capable to render in run time if created with the option dynamic mode as mentioned at shape:create .

The data from callback are organized in x, y, z for vertex, nx, ny, nz for normal and u, v for texture coordinates.

Also each table has a property name to identify when return from render callback.

The first argument is the shape itself following from vertex table, normal table, uv table and index_buffer.

The index buffer is read only and one based. Do not need to return it.


Passing nil to method onRender the callback is cancelled.

  • tableshape instance of shape.

  • table[x, y, x] vertex table.

  • table[nx, ny, nz] normal table.

  • table[u, v] texture coordinates.

  • table[] array index buffer read only. (one based)


table vertex, table normal, table uv - if nil is returned the callback is cancelled. Not all arguments are necessary, just the one edited.

Example how to access all members from callback:

mbm.setColor(0.7,0.7,0.7) --set background color to gray
local numberTriangle = 1
local isDynamic = true
tShape = shape:new('2dw')
nickName = tShape:create('Triangle',1000,1000,numberTriangle,isDynamic)
print('Shape Nick Name:' .. nickName)

function onRender(tShape,vertex,normal,uv,index_read_only)

   print(" table (" .. vertex.name .. ')')
   for i=1,#vertex do
      print('x:' .. vertex[i].x .. ' y:' .. vertex[i].y .. ' z:' .. vertex[i].z)

   print(" table (" .. normal.name .. ')')
   for i=1,#normal do
      print('nx:' .. normal[i].nx .. ' ny:' .. normal[i].ny .. ' nz:' .. normal[i].nz)

   print(" table (" .. uv.name .. ')')
   for i=1,#uv do
      print('u:' .. uv[i].u .. ' v:' .. uv[i].v )


   -- if does not return or return nil the callback is cancelled
   return vertex,normal,uv
   --is possible to choose what return because of the name in the table which identify it
   -- example:
   -- return uv, vertex
   -- if return nil or does not return the callback is cancelled
   -- example
   -- return nil

--set the callback

Figure 14.6 The output should be like this.


If return nil or does not return, the callback is cancelled for onRender.